The executive director of the National organic union Oleg Mironenko reports that interest in cultivation of organic products considerably grows in the Russian Federation, in 2018 in the union about 30 requests from the new companies acted this way, and this year their number can exceed hundred. So, for example, the Developer Crocus Group of Aras Agalarov (takes the 54th place in Forbes rating with a status of $1.8 billion) began to grow up organic apples in Moscow area.
It is worth expecting that except directly organic apples, soon there will be also enough products of processing, such as apple juice concentrates and apple puree. The growing request of consumers for natural juice and puree will contribute to the development of organic agriculture in Russia.
FINEUNION company cares about quality of raw materials and sells wholesale raw materials from apples: apple concentrate, apple puree. Our products completely meet all sanitary standards of the Russian Federation, HACCP, etc. is certified on ISO9002.
дата публикации: 14 Апреля 2019 г.