In 2020 an alarming trend is observed: the Russian berry is increasingly exported, and import takes its place. The process of replacing our native berries with imported berries involves the following aspects:
• Cheap garden berry from abroad crowds Russian more expensive wild plants
• The country does not have enough capacity to process berries
• Russian wild berry is in great demand abroad
So, according to the Russian Export Center (REC), the export of frozen fruits, which are dominated by wild berries, in the first nine months of 2020 increased 3.5 times, to 7.8 thousand tons. The cost of exported products almost tripled - to $24.5 million. Berries from Russia come mainly to the European market: the main buyers are Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Poland.
The general director of the Berry Union, Irina Koziy, says that the main reason for the export of Russian wild berries is the lack of enough modern processing facilities inside the country.
The main volumes of berries are exported in the form of frozen non-sorted berries, and after that they are often returned after processing, but already in the form of juices, morsels, jam or as raw materials for the confectionery industry (fillings for cakes, pies, etc.). But a significant part of berries remains abroad, since foreigners highly value the environmental friendliness and quality of our berries.
Fine Union LLC sells sublimated whole berries and pieces of Russian and Chinese production at favorable prices. You can check the full product specification on our website or find out all the questions you are interested in by phone: +7 (812) 640-01-60
дата публикации: 28 Октября 2020 г.
отредактировано: 10 Декабря 2020 г.