SAVIOR OF THE APPLE FEAST DAY in 2020 was on August 19. Despite its religious character it is a very important harvest festival, rooted in the pre-Christian era. Apple spas in the agricultural calendar of our ancestors indicated the pore of collecting fruits: plums, pears, grapes and, of course, apples!
After the celebration of apple salvation, a large culinary marathon for apple dishes started: jam was cooked, pies and other sweets with apples were baked.
No matter how many centuries pass, apples are traditionally popular in our country.
• APPLE JUICE CONCENTRATE 70% BRIX China, Iran, Kazakhstan
• APPLE PUREE 12-14% BRIX Kazakhstan
• APPLE PUREE 28-30% BRIX Kazakhstan
• APPLE PUREE 36-38% BRIX Kazakhstan and Iran
A full range of fruits and berries purees, juice concentrates packed in drums is available on our website and you can ask the details by phone: +7 (812) 640-01-60
дата публикации: 21 Августа 2020 г.
отредактировано: 08 Сентября 2020 г.